Friday 11 September 2009

Going all the way

Sure enough at 5:45am the ship's tannoy system sprang into life informing us that we would be docking at 6:50 (7:50 Spanish). After ignoring the first message it was repeated in Spanish and then after a brief break there followed a message from the First Officer.

Realising this to was about the repeated in Spanish I grabbed last night's clothes, threw them on left the cabin to get a coffee and pastry for breakfast. It was still dark and the harbor lights were twinkling off of the calm sea.

By the time we disembarked the sun was up although the mountains to the south of the port were still covered by cloud. I'd programmed the sat nav the night before and Emily whispered her instructions to me as we headed south.

About 20 miles south of Bilbao I pulled over to put in my custom made earplugs which also are speakers. These cut out all the wind noise and let me listen to music stored on the sat nav. I also clipped my Wrist Rocker onto the throttle. This simple piece of plastic makes long distance riding a lot easier as you no longer have to grip the throttle, just rest your wrist on it. It's a liability around town, but great for long motorway rides.

The beemer and I were soon eating up the miles, me singing away to the music and Emily interrupting every now and then to keep us on course. The roads were fairily empty and the miles were slipping under the wheels with ease. I decided that Cordoba was not adventurous enough and told Emily to go all the way to Malaga. "Ride for 167 miles on ....." was her somewhat unromantic reply.

A Red Bull stop in the mid afternoon kept me alert and the occasional stop for a stretch stopped the bum aching too much. Emily kept me on course and I arrived at the hotel we are starting the tour from just after 6pm. The bike and I had munched up 580 miles and if needed we could have munched a whole bunch more.

As I checked in I bumped into Jim, one of the four guys from Guernsey and a veteran of one of the Portugal off-road trips. He helped me get my luggage from the car park which is some way from the hotel. I was very hot and leaking prefusely by the time I got to my room.

Fortunately it was like walking into a cold store. The air con was on max and was uber efficient. I'd arranged to meet the boys in the bar so I grabbed a quick shower to freshen up. On getting out of the shower I discovered the downside of the air con and switched it to a warmer setting. The damage was already done though and I stood there shivering as my sperm count increased and my manhood decreased.

It was good to meet up with Jim and Simon again as well as their two mates and Bill, the support vehicle driver and guide. It was not long before the banter was flowing and the 2 years we'd not seen eachother just melted away I guess that's the way it is with friends, you kinda just pick up from where you left off.

The boys had been told that Toremalinos was jumping on a Thursday night so we grabbed a couple of cabs and headed out. I'd not been to "torrid shag nasty" since I was in my early 20s - not a lot has changed. Still we had an OK meal and then sat at an ice cream parlour watching the human traffic.

Back at the hotel the room was still arctic. I killed the air con completely for fear of discovering a polar bear trying to get into the room during the night.

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