Wednesday 9 September 2009

We are sailing, we are sailing...

Well actually we weren't! It turned out that ferry had a technical issue with its main engine and our departure would be delayed.

After finding my cabin I had a shower and then headed up to 'The Show Bar'. For those of you that have traveled on the Pride of Bilbao you will relise that this is just like the show bar at any holiday camp or caravan park. They have broken no advertising rules, there is a bar and a show. But nevertheless you feel that you've been had. Your vision of a star studded night soon evaporates.

It transpired that the star act was on first. This was because the Captain, by law, had to make an announcement before we left port and this would have interrupted the star act and destroyed his flow. So the entertainment director had decided to play his trump card first.

This hiatus over the announcement seemed inappropriate on two levels. Firstly anyone stupid enough to have sat onboard the Pride of Bilbao for 3 hours for no reason only to have an epiphany that they'd intended to go to Tescos on hearing the announcement deserved to be trapped on board. Secondly an announcement in the middle of Acer Murphy's swing set would have actually been a welcome respite. I left after two songs.

Back in my cabin I decided to listen to my first talking book, Sir Richard Branson reading his recent book "Business Laid Bare". Accompanied by some peanut M&Ms it made a good end to the day as I waited for the ship to sail.

Around midnight I went out on deck to smoke my "1-a-day" and watched the lights of the Isle of Wight slip by as we headed out of the Solent and into the Channel.

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