Tuesday, 1 September 2009

One week to go

This time next week I will be sitting on the Portsmouth-Bilbao ferry bound for another jaunt to Morocco. Unlike the trip in 2007 (where I ended up on my own for most of the time), this trip is an organised trip with 6 other riders. I'll be meeting up with many of the same reprobates that fraternised my previous expeditions to Portugal. But more on them later.

[Never read my Morocco 07 ride report? Find it here: http://www.helifly.co.uk/uploads/MoroccoTrip07.pdf]

Perhaps it's my age, perhaps it's the times we live in, maybe it's just the apprehension one feels before any long journey, or the thought of leaving loved ones behind or perhaps it's the fact that I've not organised this trip - but something feels like it has yet to click in place.

I've been fettling the Beemer in advance of the ride, but even here I'm worrying myself. I've changed the engine and gearbox oils even though they didn't need changing. I've bought a Fuel Pump Controller (something that is a known 1200GS problem component) just in case, I've even stocked up on tie wraps should bits come lose and I'm still figuring out how to re-attach my semi-broken sump guard (it's a long story).

I'm even thinking of cleaning the bike in an effort to uncover any hidden gremlins! Yes, it's come to that! It would be a shame to wash the Moroccan sand from 07 off of it only just to add some more.

As with my previous trip I will be initially catching the ferry from Portsmouth to Bilbao. From there I will make my way across Spain in two days to meet up with everyone else at Malaga. From here it's off to Algeceras, a ferry across the Straits of Gibraltar to Ceuta and then into Morocco.

Joining me on this intrepid venture and making up the Magnificent Seven will be; Big Phil from Wales - a veteran of two previous Portugal trips, Jim and Simon from Guernsey (1 Portugal Trip), a couple of their mates and our glorious leader Julian.

There's also a guy in a flat back Land Rover that will be carrying our luggage and picking up the pieces. Now he clearly can't be in the Magnificent Seven due to the fact that firstly he has no mighty metal steed and secondly the maths no longer work! However, should my steed or my body be in need of rescue I am reserving the right to promote him instantaneously to 'el magnifico' - the magnificent one!

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